Welcome to Premium!

Discover premium features for in-depth heart health analysis

Frontier Premium Analysis

Frontier Premium Analytics

How to get the best results?

  • For accurate measurements, add your correct age, gender, height, and weight in your Frontier X app profile section.
  • Record activities for at least 10 minutes for optimal results.
  • Engage in maximal-intensity workouts for accurate VO2 Max readings.
  • To view your readiness score, record at least four activities marked as “Rest” or “Sleep.”
  • Sleep stage analysis is accessible only in the web app.
  • Ensure electrode contact by adjusting strap tightness or wetting electrodes.

How to get the best results?

  • For accurate measurements, add your correct age, gender, height, and weight in your Frontier X app profile section.
  • Record activities for at least 10 minutes for optimal results.
  • Engage in maximal-intensity workouts for accurate VO2 Max readings.
  • To view your readiness score, record at least four activities marked as “Rest” or “Sleep.”
  • Sleep stage analysis is accessible only in the web app.
  • Ensure electrode contact by adjusting strap tightness or wetting electrodes.

The Most Accurate VO2 Max: Anytime Anywhere

For the most accurate VO2 Max test outside the lab, a chest strap-based ECG is essential. With high-quality ECG data, it allows you to monitor your progress and push your limits safely.

The Most Accurate VO2 Max: Anytime Anywhere

For the most accurate VO2 Max test outside the lab, a chest strap-based ECG is essential. With high-quality ECG data, it allows you to monitor your progress and push your limits safely.

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Metabolic Profile Analysis

The metabolic profile analysis gives you a clear picture of how your body responds to exercise and lifestyle tweaks. It tracks important details like VO2 Max, Ventilatory Thresholds (VTs) and VT Zones.

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*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Readiness Score

The Readiness Score helps you quickly evaluate how ready your body is for any physical activity by comparing your current Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to your normal levels.

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*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Sleep Stage Analysis

Sleep stage analysis monitors the changes in your heart rate, movement, and breathing. Sleep tracking allows you to assess the quality of your rest and enhances your recovery.

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*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Where to find the new Premium Features?

Frontier X Mobile App

You can check your readiness score by scrolling to the “Readiness Score” section in your summary screen during Rest, Sleep and Meditation.

You can see your “Metabolic Profile” in your activity summary screen for Workout activities including Runs, Cycling etc. You can see detailed information for your metrics in the interactive graphs.

Frontier X Webapp

You can see all features in even more detail on your web application, with interactive graphs alongside your favourite metrics like heart rate, breathing rate and strain.