Continuous Ambulatory ECG made Effortless

A novel, self-applied solution for arrhythmia detection and management.

Frontier X Plus is now FDA 510K Cleared

For Cardiologists looking for a self-applied, out-of-the-box solutions for clinical practice. Our latest product, available on prescription, is a medical device that records and transfers single-channel ECG and provides automated detection of atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias.

Contact Us
Are you a patient that’s interested? to learn how your healthcare team can give you a prescription.

Are you a patient that’s interested?

to learn how your healthcare team can give you a prescription.

Fourth Frontier is Trusted by Leading Cardiologists,
Cardiac Rehab Centers, and Researchers Globally

Fourth Frontier is Trusted by Leading Cardiologists, Cardiac Rehab Centers, and Researchers Globally

18,000+ Users Worldwide
150,000,000+ Minutes of ECG Recorded
26,000+ Events Detected

Applications across Cardiology, Rehabilitation, and Sports Medicine

Health Systems and IDTFs

Take advantage of long term continuous ambulatory ECG with reduced cost and report turnaround time - with the simplest patient experience for high quality ECG during activity.

*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Use high quality ECG data to aid return to daily activities and sports in patients with heart concerns. Monitor your patients remotely to fine tune their exercise prescription and keep them within safe limits.

*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Clinical Research

Collect and manage long term ambulatory ECG data with features personalised for teams running decentralised clinical trials.

*Frontier Premium includes a 7-day risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied by the end of the trial period.

Curious how Frontier X Plus can integrate into your infrastructure?

Benefits of FDA-cleared cutting-edge ECG wearable

No wires or adhesives, enhance
patient comfort and ease of use.
No wires or adhesives, enhance patient comfort and ease of use.
Patients wear the device and begin
monitoring in under 1 minute.
Patients wear the device and begin monitoring in under 1 minute.
Reusable, rechargeable,
climate friendly solution.
Automated detection of
atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias.

Frontier X Plus is now FDA 510(k) cleared!

Frontier X Plus is now
FDA 510(k) cleared!

Introducing the Frontier Platform

Multi-Patient Dashboard and ECG Stream

Monitor multiple users simultaneously with an easy-to-use dashboard. Live streaming of the ECG allows you to validate the quality of the signal remotely.

Hours. Months. Years of ECG Data - Streamlined

Use our tools for hospitals & researchers to manage multiple patient accounts. Receive notifications on activity and download raw ECG data.

Visualise Trends, Predict Patient Needs

Summary trend lines of select metrics can support early decision making and refine decisions for your patients, employee groups, and trial participants.


Roberts, William O. MD, MS, FACSM1; Levine, Benjamin D. MD, FACSM2

A case report of a 16-year-old competitive runner experienced sudden-onset tachycardia episodes, exceeding 200 bpm, were documented using a Garmin Instinct™ watch. Despite normal cardiac evaluations, the patient later used a Frontier X™ ECG Fitness Tracker, which successfully captured heart rhythm data during episodes and helped monitor his response to beta blocker therapy.

Ciara McCormack, Brona Kehoe, Sarah Cullivan, Noel McCaffrey, Sean Gaine, Brian McCullagh, Andrew McCarren, Sarah J Hardcastle, Niall M Moyna

The Frontier X device played a crucial role in continuously monitoring heart rate and respiratory rate, ensuring safety and enabling real-time feedback during the exercise sessions. The success of this remotely delivered intervention suggests that similar models could be effectively implemented for broader PH patient populations, offering a scalable alternative to hospital-based programs.

Technical Safety and Performance Testing

Frontier X Plus Device

  • IEC 60601-2-47:2014 Medical Electrical Equipment Part 2-47: Particular Requirements for the safety. Including essential performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems.
  • IEC 60601-1:2005, AMD1:2012 Medical Electrical equipment - Part 1:General requirements for basic safety and essential performance.
  • IEC 60601-1-2:2014 +AMD1: 2020 CSV, Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral standard: Electromagnetic disturbances Requirements and tests.
  • IEC 60601-1-11:2015 Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.

Chest Strap

  • Compliant with REACH and RoHS2 standards.

Clinical Validation

This study aimed to validate the Frontier X Plus (FX+) single-lead, continuous ECG device by comparing its performance against the traditional FDA Cleared 12-lead ECG in ​832 patients​ in both a clinical and real world setting including individuals with and without atrial fibrillation (AFib). The performance of the Frontier X Plus in detecting atrial fibrillation (AF) demonstrated a sensitivity of 98.10% and a specificity of ​97.88%, when compared to the paired gold standard device as adjudicated by 3 independent cardiologists.

Frontier Platform for Research

Unified cloud for ECG, participant data, research notes, and activity.

  • Access to all your participant's account data registered under the admin account scalable to suit your study size and resources.
  • Automatic notifications every time a user registers under the admin account and uploads their data.
  • Stored and processed on HIPAA-compliant AWS servers.

Downloadable Raw Data

  • Raw ECG data in CSV format with the raw voltage of the ECG signal sampled at 125Hz.
  • CSV File for derived data in 20-second intervals - Heart Rate, Rhythm and HRV.
  • ECG recordings available in EDF format.
  • Selected segments of an ECG recording in a PDF format.

Customised support & service.

  • Personal Account management and staff training.
  • Free technical support.


The Frontier X Plus (FX+) is a prescription only US FDA 510(k) cleared medical device for ambulatory ECG monitoring. It is not tested for use in individuals with pacemakers or ICDs. It is not meant for the diagnosis of cardiac ischemia. Please request the IFU for intended use, indications, contraindications and availability in your geography.